Computational Biologist
With specialization in molecular biology, genetics, and multi-omics analyses, I am passionate about empowering research through compelling visuals and bridging the gap between data and discovery.
Curriculum Vitae
I found that the cell walls of GSL-silenced and overexpressor plants to have altered glycan linkages consistent with a role in β-1,4-galactan biosynthesis.
Figure 1. CoMPP analysis of CDTA and NaOH-soluble fractions of NbGSL-silenced cell wall material. Data show the percent difference in relative mean signal of silenced lines compared to control. Both analytes had reduced β-1,4-galactose (LM5) detection as well as altered AGP profiling.
Figure 2. ELISA analysis of fractionated cell wall material from leaf tissue of plants overexpressing GSL with selected plant-glycan directed monoclonal antibodies. Heat map shows differences in antibody binding in 35s:AtGSL plants compared to wild type. Compared with wild type, xyloglucan and pectin epitopes were decreased in easily-extractable fractions and enriched in the more tightly-bound cell wall fractions. AGP epitope profiles were differentially altered, with an overall increase across fractions.